Holiday Weather

Another lovely day so after lunch the three of us, Ollie included, went for an explore of the bay in the dinghy. We've got a small electric motor which is almost silent, so it is very peaceful and relaxing. The sun sparkled on the water, seals swam by and terns circled overhead. Very nice!

When we came back I treated Ollie to a shower - in the recently completed new bathroom. He dried off, lovely and fluffy and sweet smelling, in the sun then this evening I took him for a clean dry walk up along the road. We were out for about an hour so he was a bit warm when we came back. Rounding the corner into the village he ran straight down the slip and into the sea and lay down! Wretched beast! His coat was full of little bits of seaweed and thick with salt again! No nice warm indoor shower this time, he got a soaking from the hose pipe!

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