Every Day Is A holiday!

By musings

Salish Sunset at Parker Island, Canada

It's always such fun to visit NannaK and H on Parker Island. This visit I cooked and we had them to dinner at our boat, tied up to their wonderful dock. We did get a bit of photography in...and spent lots of time comparing notes on "book making" and "how to set the focus" on a photo...you know, the things all women talk about :))) Karen is always a wealth of information, and as always I learned a few new things, and took lots of notes!!! Dinner ended about 11...poor H was up "way past his bedtime", but he seemed to be having a GREAT TIME:)))
The sunset tonight was amazing, constantly changing and evolving...what a treat!!!
To see more photos from today, CLICK HERE!

Also, there was a boat fire at our marina, Roche Harbor, today....it burned a 5.5 million dollar brand new boat which had not been sold yet to the waterline...what a loss! I've posted a couple photos from our next door neighbor here on the docks, so you can see. You'll also see a couple "after" photos on flickr tomorrow.

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