On fire!

Watch it glow.

It was such a nice day today; the breeze was gently blowing, it was in the mid 70s (F) and the humidity was all but gone. The kind of day you just can't help but be outside. And that's pretty much where I was all day.

My flower garden had bloomed so well until recently. Most of the plants I got were late spring/early summer bloomers so it's been looking a little lame lately and the bugs have been scarce. I had meant to buy plants that would bloom over the whole summer, but wasn't very successful at finding the late summer bloomers when I was looking in June. It never occurred to me that they would have the late summer bloomers for sale around now. (duh...) I guess I thought that it was getting a little late to plant and the shops would be thinned out by now. Wrong. I went yesterday and purchased a few later blooming perennials to add to the mix. So that was part of how I spent my day outside... planting and pruning and watering. The garden is looking better again. Now I just have to spread the word to the bees and butterflies. ;)

I did get several shots of my new flowers and thought I'd be blipping them today, but as the light was fading I noticed my next door neighbor's lilies. The sun was setting them on (virtual) fire. So I hopped over to her front garden and got this shot. (Our neighbors must just love having me and my camera skulking around their houses...)

Hubs just got home. :) So I'd better go spend some time with him. It's been a long week with him away.

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