Man, Mountain or Fish

By StevieFish

The Hangover

Last night I had a work night out.

I drank so much I can't remember much.


I did (somehow) leave Le Monde before midnight, get a bus home, phone SJ on the five minute walk from the bus stop to the house and request rescue, stumble like a fool all the way home with SJ holding me up, have to be carried up the stairs, have to be carried to bed, have to be put back into bed when I fell out, have to be guided to the the bathroom to remove some of the alcohol from my system (the same way it got into my system) and then be put back in bed.

I remember none of this.


Today was sore and slow. I didn't get out of the house until about six, we decided to go to the cinema - funnily enough we went to see 'the Hangover' which was about people not remembering the night before, It was very funny.

I'm pretty sure my night wasn't as funny as theirs - for a start I didn't wake up with a tiger in the bathroom.

On the way home I saw this and shazam a blip was born...

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