family of 4 x

By CarrieMills

A sunny Sunday

I could get very used to these sunny Sundays, shame they are very rare :(

Me and mum were out at the crack if dawn to do a carboot this morning. We got the worlds worst pitch but still made £80 so can't grumble. I was only selling the babies clothes and still have so much more stuff, enough to do at least one more car boot (not sure if that's a good or a bad thing) we had the sun beaming down on us for 4 solid hours so I had a lovely red face by the end. But there are some very rude and cheeky people out there that a literary want everything for nothing!!!!

Back home to daddy and the babies, a quick tidy round and off out for a walk. Erin trailed out her scooter which I ended up carrying most of the way. We took a walk down to our village and played on the grass. Caleb loves open spaces, he just loves to run!!

Caleb has been grizzly since Friday and tonight he was beside him self, woke up screaming and I just couldn't settle him at all. Brought him down and rubbed some teething gel on him and he instantly fell asleep, the poor thing it must of been instant relief. And I also felt tooth number 9!!! It's one of the first molars so that must of been where the pain was coming from.

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