
28.4C ... HOT !
(in case the local weather station was overestimating I checked the Met office data for Leuchars and it was 27.9C there)

I took Maeve the Deerhound for her walk at 10am. It was very warm even then. We walked further than we usually do because I thought a shot of the little coloured dome on the roof of Simpsons golf shop might look good today.

We were both feeling hot by the time we got home. Maeve drank lots of fresh water and lay down panting in the kitchen in the breeze coming in through the open back door.

Maeve did go out into the garden about 4pm and lay down on the grass for a while. I was happy to see her do that. Some thin cloud has come over and the temperature is down to about 22C at 5pm. I wonder if this will prove to be our hottest day of the year.

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