Carpe diem

By EveryDayMatters



We are all fascinated by the pond. It becomes the centre of attention on a hot day. There is always something going on in there, either little baby froglets emerging for the first time, the rare glimpse of a newt, an emerging dragonfly, hover flies, pond skaters, various assorted beetles and of course the inevitable pet frog. Our frogs are quite willing to pose for photos now. This is a good example - and it did not bat an eyelid when I assumed the mantle of a David Attenborough and crept up face to face.

The only rare things in this pond these days are the fish! They are down there somewhere and make the odd guest appearance. I think it is time to buy a few more and restock. It seems the Heron has had his greedy fill this year once again.

Who knows, one day, we might even get a grass snake !

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