"I've had a sore throat
I've had headaches
I've had coughs and sneezes and king size wheezes
and now I've got a humongous and very debilitating chest infection
and feel like a right poorly Mevagissy fish Pirate!!

We went to Mevagissy today with the express wish that I would come face to face with a Pirate, not any old Pirate but that famous Cornish blipping Pirate who goes by the name of SwillinBilly.

We arrived in the car park and my excitement began to mount; we came upon the "Lavender Pillow" and my excitement was beginning to know no bounds ...... I entered the shop and there I saw ..... the lovely "Kitty". I recognised her at once from all those lovely blips of her. I waited patiently whilst she was serving a customer and then another, and then ..... another. I thought I was going to faint and then she turned to me. I said "Kitty?". she said "yes". I said "is himself about?!. She said "are you one of those blippers he said might drop in this week?" I said "yes, its me HareBrain" and hoped that the swaggering pirate would enter stage left BUT.....

How disappointed can one blipper be.... poor SB is laid very, very low with a pretty serious chest infection following all of the above ailments.

Having got over my severe disappointment, T and I managed to have a wonderful day in Mevagissy; Apart from all the other lovely things to do and see here, we visited the Aquarium (my catch of the day blip!!) and I took loads of pics of the famous SB lighthouse, harbour and beautiful buildings, but thought that this fella reflected just how poorly SB must feel??

Really sorry we didn't get to meet you SB and hope you get back to your swashbuckling pirate health very soon.

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