Bonus dino

I worked so hard at home today that I misjudged my timing to catch my train to Cornwall. Fred had left work early and was waiting at the station. Our friends were already on the train. I missed the train from home to London, so caught a bus to the next train station, caught the train on the platform by a second, sprinted out (with unwieldy bag on wheels) at Elephant and Castle, ran through the shopping centre, took a wrong turning into the market, asked the Reggae man how to get to the Tube, went the wrong way, was steered by Reggae man and his friend to the Tube, went in the Exit rather than the Entrance, a smiley guard let me in anyway and made sure I got the lift, ran down the platform to the other platform where another kind, smiley guard HELD OPEN the Tube doors (this never happens) so I could run in, the Tube train took longer than Journey Planner to get to Paddington, I ran out, encountered a massive queue for the escalator, ran up the many stairs carrying the unwieldy bag on wheels, rang Fred at the top of the stairs as train might be leaving the station, he told me to go to platform three, I ran to the platform, breathlessly explained to the guard that I needed to collect my ticket but could he let me on please oh please, he told me to go the the ticket window beside him where the man calmly took an age to print the tickets, I ran onto the train, I rang Fred to tell him I was on coach G and he told me that he was waiting at the barriers because he didn't have a ticket, I grabbed the bag and ran off the train microseconds before the doors shut, I walked passed bewildered guards and met an ever more bewildered Fred. We went for a pint and caught the next and last train to Cornwall that evening. Saw this dinosaur attached to my seat. Caught a taxi to the campsite and met with our friends. Found our posh tent and gawped at the moonlit scenery. Collapse.

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