
By SomethingAwful

Picking up

I spent Monday moping about the house and unpacking. Also, a cold that had been lingering over the last couple of days finally reared its ugly head. I think my body was just crashing from everything I piled on to it at the end of term.

Anyway, so Monday had a lot of tears, but not any photos. Sorry about that. :(

Liora wanted to get a group together to meet up, so we went to the pub on Tuesday night. These charming faces belong to Ben and Yuval. Unfortunately there was not much I could do about how weirdly the colours came out on this picture!

It was weird seeing so many people so soon after leaving Warwick - nice to see them, but weird. Retrospectively, it's still taking a while to feel normal, or stop missing uni life. But anyway, we had a lovely evening of catching up with lots of old friends, and my cold didn't ruin it too much!

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