By wellsforzoe


Today was the first day of in-service training with teachers in Mzuzu. The past two weeks have been spent in schools working with class teachers.
The picture shows teachers, at the end of the day, making teaching aids for use in their own classrooms.
The equipment they are using was sponsored by friends of Wells for Zoe, who were cajoled, by Maureen one of the teaching team, into donating 10 Euros each to provide a pack for our Malawian colleagues, including markers, rulers, pens, pencils and all the rest.
Thank to everyone who supported this very practical and direct support. It has given a great boost to tired, under paid and under appreciated Malawian teachers who have come in great numbers, on a Saturday, the first day of their holidays, such is their interest in the professional development available from our Irish teachers.
Well done to all. Of course everyone got a mineral and a yellow bun. Far from the incentives offered by all the mainstream Aid brigade. If the product is good enough, people will come and appreciate irrespective of financial inducments.

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