Mad dog

I made the mistake of leaving some chocolate within reach of Hamish this morning, and of course he made quick work of munching most of it whilst I was out of the room. Given it was 70% coco and he'd had quite a bit, we called the vet who said to take him straight over. At the vet they gave him an injection to make him sick - we'd got him there quickly enough that the chocolate was still in his stomach, so that was all that was needed. All over and done with in five minutes at a cost of £55 - most expensive chocolate bar I've ever not eaten! But I'm just glad he's OK.

The vet said the injection would make him drowsy most of the day, but within an hour or so he was back to normal, chasing a beach ball round the garden like the mad dog he is.

Lesson learned, for me anyway, I'm sure he'd eat it again given the chance!

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