My Best Efforts - Year 3


A Garden Wall........

............Spotted this rather amusing and unusual plaque set into an old brick wall. Poor chap must have had a problem with his swollen legs and I wouldn't want to try to dig with that spade - however............. this plaque -( a copy from, I am told, a 17th C one) represents John Tradescant the Younger -August 1608 - 22 April 1662), son of John Tradescant the elder, who was a botanist and gardener. He was born in Meopham, Kent and educated at The King's School, Canterbury. Unlike his father, who collected via other people bringing back specimens, he went in person to Virginia between 1628-1637 (and possibly two more trips by 1662) to collect plants. Among the seeds he brought back, to introduce to English gardens were great American trees, like Magnolias, Bald Cypress and Tulip tree, and garden plants such phlox and asters. When his father died, he succeeded as head gardener to Charles I and Henrietta Maria of France, making gardens at the Queen's House, Greenwich, designed by Inigo Jones, from 1638 to 1642, when the queen fled the Civil War.

A great change the weather - it is cloudy but bright - and the temperature is nearly 18degF. lower than yesterday reaching only 62degF! There was a bit of a shower late yesterday afternoon and a few rumbles of distant thunder but the rain barely darkened the soil!

It is St. Swithins Day tomorrow - which is supposed to indicate what sort of weather we shall have for the next 40 days! We shall see!

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.

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