When the going gets weird

By Slybacon

Brick Lane

In the morning I took a trip down the Bethnal Green Market, before cutting on to Brick Lane. There I stopped for coffee with former Edinburgh resident Ms Krueger. Hungover she was dashing off to try and meet a photographer, but she recommended visiting the free range photography show that was on at the Truman Brewery.

Free range was a collection of work from final year photography students from all over the UK. It included Edinburgh College, where I will be starting an HND in August. I'd missed their show in Edinburgh, so it was good to catch it in London. Stood up pretty strongly against work from other institutions. Having that much photography in one place was a bit overwhelming though.

In the evening me and Youngy went to meet Rob for a pint or two. On the way we got interviewed by a documentary crew who were making a film about Bill Drummond from the KLF. Ms Kreuger showed up in time to join us for a couple before me and Youngy took ourselves home.

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