
By mrsanf


Set off at silly o'clock this morning (after a rather poor nights sleep) to pick up a day boat at 9am. This was our family Christmas present from our youngest, great idea! The sun decided to have a lay in this morning, so the first part of the day was a tad chilly.

The sun got up just moments before we moored up for our picnic, made far too much food as usual so everyone was pretty full up as we set off back towards the boat yard. It was decided on the way back we should try and moor up to buy ice creams, a rather delish vanilla cone to round the day off.

The little fella in my pic is my grandson, (along with hubby and my youngest's partner) who drove the boat for the best part of the day-he had a really great time being the captain!

I think I know several people, myself included who will sleep well tonight :)

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