The Fool On The Hill.

By Wryer


I know that I haven't updated my journal in over a month, but I'm going to start and make an effort. It is summer after all.

This photo wasn't taken today (it was taken last weekend) but I quite like it. Me and Sam went on quite a long walk in Ovingham and sat at a stream next to an abandoned mill - it's so beautiful there, and the weather was lovely. It's the perfect place to sit and listen to chilled music.

I'm 18 now! My birthday was the 16th of last month. I don't feel different, but I can buy my own cigarettes now. Something else that's new, Polly is pregnant. It's so wonderful and exciting; she just waddles around with a huge round belly and sunbathes all day. I cannot wait for the kittens to arrive. I'm allowed to keep one, so any name suggestions would be much appreciated (female names). I hope everything goes perfectly. I can't think of anything better than having a number of little kittens running around the house. ^_^

Sam is staying over tonight, and I stayed at his Dad's house last night. This weekend has been really great, but I really miss Charli. I cannot wait to stay at her house on Wednesday night and I'm off work until Friday so I can have a relaxing few days. I hope you're all well.


"I elongated my way home, yeah I let him go the long way round. I smelt your scent on the seatbelt and kept my shortcuts to myself."

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