
By GiselaClaire


Even at this late hour, I'm dependent on my trusty fan, which I've had since childhood, to keep me somewhat sane. I have to admit to being a little bit crankier than usual these days.

The heatwave in Ireland is totally unprecedented. I love it, however, and have banned the expression "It's too hot" from being spoken in my presence, unless its referring to coffee or soup!

As I write this, I'm watching the TV highlights of the ceremony held in Dublin today for the National Day of Commemoration, paying tribute to soldiers who have died in the service of the armed forces or the United Nations.

Our President Michael D Higgins, of whom I am very proud, just lay a wreath, following tributes by representatives of the Catholic Church, Methodist Church, Church of Ireland, Coptic Christian Church, the Muslim faith, and the Jewish faith.

They all spoke eloquently of peace and justice. Those religions and churches all hold peace as a central value. If only their followers would follow this guidance more faithfully.

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