Neighborhood Garden

Apartment living hasn't stopped this neighborhood from having a yard to grow their vegetables, flowers and herbs The Lierman Neighborhood Action Committee just needed to find land to grow fresh food in a community garden they could share.The garden is at the corner of Urbana's Washington Street and Lierman Avenue, and neighbors and other volunteers have built 18 raised garden beds that have been planned for that space.
The land was purchased by the city and is being leased to the neighborhood group for a dollar a year.The city also provided a water source for the garden, and University of Illinois students designed the garden and beds.

The neighborhood group rounded up 150 free pallets to tear apart for lumber to build the garden beds of varying heights to accommodate different users. The Lierman Neighborhood Action Committee says it will rent the garden spaces to neighborhood gardeners next year for $10 and $30, depending on what an individual or family can afford.

Here you see the results of a neighborhood pulling together and making something happen. This has been a troubled neighborhood though the years so this is such a positive thing they have done.

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