Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

Toy Story 3

I have an amazing story to share from what happened when Reuben was in intensive care. Bare with me...

Reuben lies in intensive care. I reach for my iPhone because as ever, I record the plethora of emotions and experiences. It is all part of the journey that makes the whole. I long ago became adept at capturing the stillness of this life, the air that barely moves beyond the moments when it moves too fast with the flurry of intensive activity. I'd had a dream to photograph the boys ever single day many years before they were born so the execution of that simply took another path.

I share the image. There is always catharsis in that.

A message pops up from the stunning Shalini Vadhera Potts, author, entrepreneur, global beauty & lifestyle expert and a favorite guest on "Dr. Oz," "The Today Show" and "The View," and recipient of the Oprah Award. And it goes something like this "Hi, I have been following you and your beautiful celebration of your boys and have been so touched. Today I was showing my husband Tony Potts the picture of Reuben and Woody. Being that he hosted Access Hollywood for 13 years he sent the pic to Lee Unkrich, the director of Toy Story 2 and 3. Lee immediately wanted to know about Reuben...Would you mind sending me your contact info so I can pass it along?".

I smile envisaging the exceptional Academy Award Winner Lee Unkrich, creator of such a stunningly powerful movie in my top 5, along with Monsters Inc, Finding Nemo, Monsters Inc etc. looking at the image of Reuben and Woody, simply entitled "A friend".

As a family of Toy Story chronic addicts (is not Toy Story 3 the saddest happy movie ever made, or is it the happiest sad movie?), the message is not only a huge breathe of air in an otherwise airless intensive care room, but it reminds me of the compassion that has been shown universally by so many in all walks of life for Reuben's journey, indeed all the way to the Vatican and now Hollywood. And it reiterates the quote we are all forwarded by friends and family in the early days when they are desperately searching to give comfort beyond the "I'm so sorry..." and scraping around on Google, eventually quoting "One of the hidden features of CHARGE syndrome is the determination and strong character these children display." So Shalini Vadhera Potts, thank you for reaching out to us, for your support and for lifting me so that as ever, I could give it back in the form of a smile to my little man right about now...

Edit: Today, I got a lovely note from Academy Award Winner Lee Unkrich, director of Toy Story (Cars, Monsters Inc, A Bug's Life, Finding Nemo...our family movies) to say he's delighted that Reuben's doing so well. Looking forward to the day Reuben understands though I envisage he'd be a little cooler than me about it...

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