Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

Best in Show?

Armed with Mrs Booty in one paw, Floss in the other my camera was in a small backpack containing cold drinks and choccy! :-))

A hissed, "Camera QUICK!" produced the image above. Quintessential British country show at Stithians. Beautiful cattle and sheep plus a whole melange of other things that appeared to be edible.

Flossie behaved impeccably, as did her Lady Boss, I was totally out of control staring at the amount of huge sweaty flesh on display.
Rantism........ WHY must the British male exhibit his torso, even in the grounds of a National Trust home? Why must the female of the species garland herself with inappropriate tattoos and then dress like a galleon under sail in order to conceal (as if) the bulk beneath?

Lose weight.

PS Flossie did grab a burger and tried to run for it, much to the amusement of all concerned except the burger owner. Hastily ejected from her gorgeous lips it was placed on the deck and we continued on our way.

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