Goodbye Sebastian

A sad day for me today - I had to take my delightful grandson back to his Mum in Christchurch. Still, I've had 3 lovely days with him so I've been pretty lucky (note that 3 days with him equates to 3 blips of him - and thanks to you all for sending yesterday's blip of him to the Spotlight page).

On the way down we stopped at St James Tarn (yet again) for me to have a loo stop and for him to play in the snow. I thought that would last 5 minutes as it was still below zero there at 10.30 this morning.

But no! Sebastian likes snow!

And he likes walking.

Half an hour later, when he'd led me off into the hinterland in a direction I'd never been before, I finally managed to bribe him back to the car. Lollies don't work with this kid either - I had to resort to grapes. If I'd only had the sense to have them with me on our wee walk I could have used them to lay a trail - shades of Hansel and Gretel. As it was I had to convince him that there really were grapes in the car and that he could have them all!

Just as well I thought to pack a lunchbox before we left home.

I thought, after all the energy he'd expended, that he'd sleep some of the way home.

But no! He talked the whole way!

I dropped him at his Mum's and headed straight back home. A slower trip home as I had to wait while they cleared an accident - which is when I devoured 3 of the 6 lemon curd and cream cheese cupcakes that Sarah had made for me. Finger lickin' good.

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