Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Usher Hall Progress

Because I see it almost every day I thought I'd make todays blip about the continuing progress on the Usher Hall extension (last documented here in April).
Ok, I admit it, its a lazy excuse for a blip!
But I'm recording whats going on around me, so there!

Still interested to see how its going to turn out.... Not going to have another rant about it though, promise, lol :O)

Spent a pleasant afternoon reading my book while drinking coffee in Starbucks followed by tea at Tea Tree.
The irony of reading "Unchained America" by Dave Gorman while sitting in a Starbucks was not lost on me. It even has a bit where someone gives him a bumper sticker that say's "Friends Don't Let Friends Drink Starbucks" which is the bit I was reading while I was there.....
They have really comfy sofa's tho! Damn Starbucks and their ability to have you sink into old leather sofas and not want to leave.

I felt the need to rectify the situation by spending more time and more money in my local independent tea shop! Well they do deserve it, even if they don't have lovely squishy sofas...

Am now really over-caffeinated.

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