
By Shutterup

Adventure on the canal

It was a hot night. Airless and we moored rather close to a railway line! Large cargo trains rumbled in the night keeping us in a light sleep.
Set off around 10 to cycle to a nearby town ( well we thought it would take half an hour but in the heat it took an hour. We had a lovely wander round the ancient part it the town. In places it looked rather like a town in medieval England. As churches are usually the coolest place to be we found three and one had these amazing stained glass windows. After a good lunch we cycled back tote boat in order to move on before the locks closed. It was 36 by this time so rather warm and not really ideal to cycle the 10km back.
While we were out a huge hotel barge had passed and loosened our mooring and the surge got our boat wedged on something under water. We eventually freed ourselves but there is a problem with the rudder so we are stuck here for another night (bother!). Still, it leaves plenty of time to paint and relax after our hot cycle!

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