A day to celebrate...

Today I was up at 4.45, ready to set off to Sheffield at 5.45. Initially we'd thought it was rather a pain that Chris was graduating so early in the morning, but it was a blessing in view of the weather, as it was still relatively cool for the robing and ceremony. I have to admit that I felt very proud watching him go across the stage to shake the Vice-Chancellors hand and receive his degree. And despite his protestations about having to wear formal clothes, he looked very smart.

However, that didn't last long! Once the ceremony was over and we were at the a drinks reception in the Firth Hall, the mortar board came off. But it had to be put back on before he went up to receive the Clapham Prize for Ecology. It amused me that, having breezed through his degree, the simple action of putting on a mortar board seemed to elude him! In the end there were three women assisting him with his hat and tie - fortunately we tidied him up just in time! :))

My cause for celebration seems quite minor compared to Chris's achievement, but I have to admit that I'm amazed that I've managed to post 1000 blips, even if life has forced a few gaps in my journal. It's been hugely rewarding, though in recent months I've struggled to balance work, home family, voluntary commitments and blipping!

Blipfoto has opened my eyes into other worlds, some distant and some quite close to home. The joy of blip is that it connects us through the medium of photography, but is more than just a site to share images - we share our lives and I find that continually enriching and thought provoking. I also enjoy revisiting my own journal - so many otherwise forgotten memories are contained in this treasure trove. Initially it was the photography that motivated me, but now I think the journalling has become more important.

I'm sad that I've not been able to be very active in the community lately - I definitely miss the ongoing conversations that used to occur. I hope that other pressures will ease up a bit as we move into August. I suspect I shall still be around for a fair bit longer. For one thing, this will become one way of keeping Chris in touch with our lives when he and his girlfriend head off for the trip of a lifetime round India and south-east Asia in November...

Anyway thank you to all who visit my journal, and especially those who leave comments and stars even when they're not returned. And a big thank you to Joe and all those at HQ who keep the site running so smoothly. What a good idea it was!!

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