Tech Marketing Guy

By tmg


The bizarre weather continued today. I thought that my Blackberry was going to blow a gasket when I saw that not only did we have storm warnings, but for the first time ever we had tornado a warning! Of course, the bipolarity of the weather continued as well - sometimes it is bright and then it pours rain with thunder and lightning. Weird!

We had a great sushi lunch today with a vendor. It is always great to go to lunch with genuinely nice people. I drove with my boss and we got a bit lost trying to find the restaurant. (The nav lied and said it was on the right when it was really on the left.) We overshot the restaurant and past a VFW post with this tank in front. I immediately recognized that it could make a cool blip and decided to return after lunch.

I returned for a quick blip session after my fill of sushi and took numerous angles. I also ran into a couple of older gentlemen who had recently re-painted the tank. They told me that the tank was based in South Carolina and then came to a local base where it broke down and then they used it for stationary camouflage testing. The model was discontinued and no one wanted it and so it ended up at the VFW post.

I tried to capture the size and massive nature of the vehicle. It is massive and threatening looking in person. I imagine it roaring over fields and assaulting enemy positions and tried to capture this in the shot.

There is quite a bit of PS work on this shot because I wanted to hide any signs of man around the tank. I could have removed the flag, but decided to leave it because I thought it fit the image. Here is the undoctored image. This is an HDR image.

HDR image combining -2, 0, +2 images
Clone stamp layers to remove power lines and buildings

Constructive criticism always welcome

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