Light & sight

By CameronDP


So this afternoon I betook myself back to nearby Knaresborough for an appointment at the dentist. Said dentist is to be found about two minutes walk from the spot where the photo in the upper right of the linked page was taken.
It turns out I need a filling....a small one, mind. But still, sheesh :=( The tooth doctor (that's what they call them in German - tooth doctors > Zahnärzte) said I need to stop eating apples and satsumas all day because of all the fruity, acidic tooth enamel zappiness.....sheesh :=(
I found this gargoyle on the corner of one of Knaresborough's zillion*pubs (and no, I didn't go in). I think it's supposed to suggest how you might feel after a bottle of ale too many but it sums up my mood this afternoon pretty well too....

My colleague's doing a big (and slightly) contentious presentation about my department down at t'office tomorrow....wish her and me luck!

*Might a slight exaggeration

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