
By samsticks

...On Luck

I believe that bad and good luck must balance out. That means that if a good thing happens, then a bad thing (or a series of smaller bad things) will happen to balance it all out and vice-versa. It works on a credit system, and you can use up a lot of luck (good or bad) before the balancing starts to happen.

This year, Gina and I are making up for our excellent luck with Miles' arrival and is awesomeness. We've had a long series of bad luck and unfortunate events, and we're looking forward to earning back some good luck credits.

Today I worked from home because I was, once again, feeling rubbish. Miles is also really bunged up and is having trouble sleeping because of breathing issues (and therefore so are we). The poor Little Goblin. That said, he's been amazingly good today considering.

Gina had some bad news from the UK about her Nan today. We're waiting to hear more from the hospital, and, once again, we're optimistic, but we're just a bit over life's tests at the moment (sleep deprivation doesn't help). Bring on the run of good luck!

On the plus side, my new cymbals arrived this morning. This shot is a little macro of one of them... hand hammered and hand lathed, they're real works of art. I'll blip a bit more of them in the future, no doubt. Shame I couldn't get to rehearsal tonight to have a play! This means that their first outing will be at our gig at the Penny Black on Sunday.

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