Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy


When I saw this sky from the bedroom window this morning I thought we might get some respite from the heat, but it soon cleared and it's looking like another sweltering day. I only just noticed the bird in the top left corner!

My mother-in-law died at Christmas of breast cancer, after 2 gruelling years of treatments. Things are just about returning to normal, we have organised my father-in-law, who is coping and adjusting pretty well at the age of 83. On Tuesday I found out that my lovely sister-in-law (we are married to brothers), my adventurous travelling companion, has been diagnosed with breast cancer; she lost her own mother to the same disease too at a young age.

So that was the crappy news, nothing to say about it other than it's totally crap really. I spent yesterday calming my father-in-law down, sister-in-law is currently drowning herself in red wine before her first op next Thursday. It was an early detection, lots and lots and lots to be positive about but I just feel so desperately sorry for her, for her kids (especially her daughter) and from an utterly and totally selfish point of view, I am mad that the family's brief period of respite is over. Poor Kathryn will even have to have treatments at St James's in Leeds, where we spent most of last year with my mum-in-law.

So I know people are dealing with much worse things in their lives, sorry to be depressing but that's where I've been for the last couple of days.

Thank you for all being so kind yesterday, you are such a wonderful bunch of people x

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