a little bit of rhubarb

By Puggle

(waving) Hello... no, I'm not dead....

although it kind of feels like it at the moment...

To distract you from the fact that I am shamefully neglecting my blip commitments, have a photo of Howard the HeeryCoo in the park.

He's getting very excited about the prospect of holidays in the UK in a few weeks - assuming I get my workload finished in time, that is.

I find myself wondering (based on conversations had with strangers on previous holidays) how many Facebook friends I could get for Howard over the course of the trip. It has crossed my mind that that might be an interesting challenge... I might think about it.

If you've missed the soap opera that is his life, he was abandoned on the steps of a church door in the UK and taken in by the Little Sisters of Bovine Mercy before I adopted him and brought him to Australia to grow up in God's Own Sunshine.

Since 2009 he's been looking for his biological mother and has travelled to several countries in hopes of finding her, and/or getting to the bottom of rumours about an identical twin brother.

I don't want to upset him by pointing out that he is a toy coo, so I haven't dissuaded him from:
-hiring private investigators,
-making public appeals for information, or
-shamelessly abandoning me to follow leads to Spain and Morocco like he did last year.

At present he's excited about a letter & photo he's just received from someone who claims to have known his family many years ago....I hope it's not another red herring for the puir wee critter.

I'd be a bad mother if I didn't say this, so here you go- should you feel so inclined, feel free to have a stickybeak: facebook.com/howard.heerycoo

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