All you need is love

By pascolicious

My grandparents are in town from Arkansas. They were unable to make it here for Christmas so instead, we had to wait until their summer visit to see them.

It was a busy day before they got here -- cleaning and putting things away. I was originally supposed to work, but since Tuesday, things have been screwy with this new job.

Tuesday, I was supposed to sub but got a call on my way that morning only to learn that I didn't have to sub; I made other plans and refused to sub for the rest of the day.

Wednesday (yesterday), I was also supposed to sub instead of work my regular hours at my regular park. When I arrived at my sub park, the girl I was subbing for was there and there was already a sub hired for another person.
So, I drove back and worked my regular hours and regular job. I called twice to figure out what was going on and heard nothing back except a voicemail asking if I wanted to sub somewhere else and when I returned THAT phone call, I heard nothing back!
That night, I called AGAIN to check if I was going to actually sub today and got a call back from my boss soon after. She told me that there was a mixup so I wouldn't be subbing today.

Then, this morning, I get 2 phone calls asking to sub but they wanted me to come in at 9 and it was 8:30! No way could I make it in time! I spent my day cleaning up and helping my mom instead.

This job is very disorganized, it seems, which is irritating to someone so organized. I just want my old job back.


Regardless, my grandparents came for dinner -- mom used the good china! And our house is spotless haha!

We'll go out to dinner with them tomorrow and Kevin will get to meet them. He had to work tonight =/

So that's that.

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