An Invincible Summer.....

By TheFlipFlopper


.....are cucumbers that sold out.
They sold their soul to the devil and the devil is dill....."
~ unknown

So the BBQ was marvellous!

Sorry for the backblip, I just haven't had much time, this beautiful weather is killing me :)

We had three, maybe four sittings of food, it was tremendously good, I have never felt so full.
After, we sat and chilled in the garden as the sun was going down and things began to cool and the darned mozzies came out.

We cracked open the watermelon and for miles around all you could hear was the sound of us slurping ;)

Then just as we were grabbing our belongings and getting ready to leave; whilst my box of leftover goodies was being packed I decided to grab myself a final piece of melon!
Oh dear, that was the straw slice that broke the camel's my back!
I took one bite and knew it was the end :D

We waddled back to the car (my friend because she has a dodgy leg and me because I'm a pig haha!) and sang songs all the way home!

I am grateful for the friends I have and the yummy food I get to eat and the fun times I'm lucky enough to enjoy!

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