family of 4 x

By CarrieMills

Another ice cream!!!!

2 bbq's today. First one for lunch the second for tea, that what summer is all about!!

Had one of those mornings today where there is no reason for us to get ready in a rush but one thing we wasn't expecting was a visit from family :) marks sister is down and her kiddies popped round to play with Erin and caleb as comfy as Erin was I had to get her out of her nighty and into clothes :)

Later we went to to Emma and dales for a lovely tea. It was a very posh BBQ a bit different to the hit dogs we had for lunch. The babies got to play with Aidan and eat lots more food. we also got the hose out, children are crazy in the heat ;)

and in very exciting news.......mark booked us a holiday this morning!!!!!!!!
the way to tell me.....telling me to check my emails???? told me this at around 1pm so i find an email from him sent at about 10am!!!! it was the booking confirmation of our holiday, woo hoo!!!! we're off to mexico !!!

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