
By amandoAlentejo

Miracle Tree, Moringa Oleifera

M planted some old moringa seeds he found, and this one sprouted. We used this tree a lot in NE Brazil, and it's truly miraculous - it's perhaps the fastest growing tree in the world, and every part of it can be used - the seeds can be ground to produce an oil which, I've noticed here, the Body Shop is using in one line of its products, and the residue left after extracting the oil is used a lot in Brazil for purifying water. The bark can be scraped to cure cuts; the roots to make a type of horseradish.

But its the leaves that are incredible - all, ALL the nutrients that we need (apart from fat, which is in the seeds) and loads of antioxidants, ie. great for protection against cancer. I won't go on - if you're interested, google it, or here's a link to a YouTube about it.

A good image to mark a day when we began to think again about returning abroad.

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