
Anyone who watches the Tour De France for any length of time whatsoever soon realises that commentator Paul Sherwen's favourite word is 'cadence', he can't go two minutes without mentioning it. And, on top of this, he likes to trot out the phrase 'Chris Froome's familiar high cadence' at least half a dozen times a day.

Guess what I was doing this afternoon?

My girls had decided that after this morning's swimming and shopping trip it was indeed too hot to go outside and that they just wanted to play with their Playmobil in the front room, leaving me with little option but to sit down and watch the live Alpe D'Huez stage on the laptop in the kitchen with the big window wide open and the sounds of the park outside forming an ambient soundtrack to the efforts of all those straining cyclists. As afternoons go, I've got to admit, it was pretty relaxing. Sorry.

Les Alpes et Les Pyrennees

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