Tractor Factory Photos

By TractorFactoryPhotos

Bathing Ape...

I just realized, there's a guy at my office that wears Bathing Ape(I was going to put up the website, but it seems to load from an exe file which to me looks a bit iffy.) tee-shirts. Today, is the first Friday (Standard Life civvy day) this year I've seen him without his usual attire.

I digress, this bathing ape has nothing to do with the (boring middle of the road, my opinion only, I believe they are very sought after) japanese apparel distributor. This bathing ape is in fact part of some sort of art installation and is residing in Princes Street Gardens in Edinburgh. It has parters in Stirling, Dundee, Inverness, Glasgow, Aberdeen and is something to do with the 6 cities design festival.

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