
By belovedkim

Looking on the other side of the window

Lying down in the sofa...remembering how my night shift went...exhausting but fulfilling...

I had been very stressed at work. I hated going home having to think about what i did wrong or what i missed out accomplishing. It would be frustrating to receive a call while you're at home in your jammies telling you that there had been some deficiencies. Do you ever felt that nothing you do is right? Where is the thin line betwen 'asking' and 'too much asking' ...some would prefer you ask them, if you are unsure to avoid mistakes , others would look at you with raised eyebrow acting like you have asked something stupid. Oh well, we cant please everybody.

I have lived in that anxiety for over a month now...even questioning my chosen career if this is all worth it.

This is some great challenge for me. One big painful season i must embrace, a lot of character building going on. I wonder at times what is the point of all these ? I found comfort tho knowing that most of my co workers feels the same way i do. But of course, how we cope with it individually is different.

Well, today a bit of peace is clouding over my heart. Looking out the window, i smiled knowing that everyday i grow closer to God - understanding that there is no better way to deal with it than knowing He knows what is best for me.

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