Kerstin's photojourney

By kerstinsphotos

one of our new family members...

yesterday evening when I sat outside in the garden and the dogs did lie around I heard a "meowwwww" - then again and again... went outside of the garden and found two tiny little baby cats inside our garden - they definately were placed there.........
So now what to do? I have two dogs already and with all thinking and falling in love with those little wee ones we cannot let them live with us.... I have enough to do with job, house work and dogs - and two cats now??? it makes my heart bleed but I have to look for a place for them - so they can stay with us for the next days but I have to find a new home for them and if not I have to bring them to an animal home - and I hate the thought of that... maybe I'll find someone in the neighbourhood who is interested in becomig a cat mum/dad...... they are soooo cute

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