Davince net

By Davince


When friends found out I'd taken on some photography work at a local bar, they looked at me like I was a bit mad.

First they asked if it was very good pay or something.

Then they asked if it were not a bit 'beneath' me as a 'professional' photographer.

Well... you know what. It's bloomin good fun.

I photograph products, fashion, people, and anything I'm paid to. I enjoy it immensely, even when it can get very stressful. it's creative, but requires considerable creative input, and as such is always slightly contrived. Even candid shots are contrived. You stand around, you look for 'interesting' conversations that are about to climax, look for the most expressive and get ready to capture the moment they hear the punchline.

Bar photography, on the other hand, is a real challenge and there is way too much outside of your control. The lighting is changing 2 or 3 times a SECOND. You can go with a flash and blast the hell out of the room, sure, and end up with it looking like there are bright white people standing in a cave, but to try and capture low level constantly changing ambient light and dealing with drunk people... now THAT is a challenge.

These four ladies are among my favourite 'regulars' on the job. Some bars are full of people that preen then demand to see the picture, then demand you delete it if they don't look like they've just walked out onto the catwalk. this bar, the slug and lettuce in Winchester, the atmosphere is much more relaxed, and no more so than these four... they're just wanting to capture the fun.

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