
By Houseonahill6

A pirates life for me.

I spotted this Big ship on my new Marine traffic app. It's a great app that shows boats and ships in the area telling you where they come from and other details including pictures.
This is a passenger ship from Malta built in the year 2000.She is called Sea cloud two and is moored at Invergordon for tonight leaving port at 6.30 tomorrow.I think she is abit like a friendly pirate ship. She must look fantastic when the sails are down.

We headed down to Newhall Point to see if we could see her that's why she is so small as she is on the other side of the Cromarty Firth. I would have liked to have gone to Invergordon but Mike did nt finish till late and we ran out of time.
We had just missed the Caribbean Princess who headed out at 6pm.

You can also see one of the oil rigs that are here to be maintained and repaired . During the winter the Cromarty Firth can hold quite a number and they look like Christmas trees lit up in the night sky.

It's the end of term for many of the schools down South and we always had a pirate party on the last day. We would have a water fight and everyone would end up soaked to the skin, including the staff. A great way to end the school year.

Have a great weekend everyone,hope it's not too hot :)

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