Elderflower Flower

Early cool walk with the dog, chores, big swim, cuddles with F as her Mum swam, chores, two hour blether career development and staff appraisal with ice cream, chores, idiots in M&S Foodhall, food, feet up.

When up in the woods with the dog this morning, there was a single elderflower (I'm sure the Gardener can tell me the correct name for a tiny one versus a head of them) hanging in the air. But there was too much of a breeze to get it in focus.

Edit: The gardener informs me that what I have here is a flower, and the heads are probably umbelliferous inflorescences, which is nice.

Edit 2: They might be corymbs and not umbels. There is doubt and research over breakfast. In our quest I also stumbled on the following, where the diagrams remind me of crochet patterns. It's going to be one of those days.

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