
By wingpig


First off: apologies to engrossed dude (especially after he spotted me) for not posting him as the primary blip but the disappointed-looking bloke above had a better expression.

Secondly: apologies for the noise levels in most of today's pictures and for the guy's head being out-of-focus but I was focussing on the shinycamera at maximal aperture as it was getting a little dark...

After we went to see the Pixar Exhibition a month or so back we picked up some free tickets to a thingby this evening. After a nice cheap enchilada at Susie's the event turned out to be a showreel of animated shorts by third-year students at the Edinburgh College of Art with Music from Some Films being played by the Edinburgh Symphony Orchestra. The films were a little patchy... the film which won a book signed by all the major Pixar artists was somewhat ropey but there were a couple with a pretty good combinations of imagination and talent.

I was distracted slightly at the start of the evening by the actions of pervy photographer man who was trotting round blatantly snapping some of the less-than-fully-clad women when they weren't looking. I tried to knacker as many of his crowd shots as possible by glowering directly into his lens even when he thought he was being clever by setting the timer and looking away; if he was that clever he'd have taped over the little blinking light. He seemed to be the official museum photographer as he had a little stand thing for doing portrait shots but there were a few other people around exhibiting fancy glass and cracking stance who behaved like decent human beings.

The event guide mentioned something about dressing as your favourite animated character for the event; there were a couple of people in recogniseable costume and a couple of others just dressed like tits but the first prize for looking cool goes to this bloke for being the most appropriately-folliclèd violinist I've ever seen in an orchestra performing the theme music from Fellowship. As if that wasn't enough after a short break they played the closing theme from Empire which I've never heard live before; even with half the hall jabbering over it it sounded great.

Unfortunately the Elephant House has reverted to shutting at 7pm so we couldn't pop there for coffee afterwards.

Still a good evening.

Have a nice weekend.

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