
By tookie

Grosbeak Feeder visit

Good morning from overcast but soon to be sunny Seattle!!!! An early warm water workout and came home to a nice surprise at the feeder! Now we must get ready for and afternoon wedding....a fancy pants one so my boots I always wear must take a break....I'll have them in the car for a quick change:)

Most of the beginning of this next week is doc and rehab apts....seems to fill much of my time...but then on Thursday I am taking the train down to Portland to visit with the "kids"--goose and gander (when they still blipped) and pretty soon a little gander will be born...we are sooooooooo excited. It'll be good to see how the kids have decorated the baby's nursery...I know Martin had been working on a project for the wall with elephants. I'll be sure to blip the nursery---potential upcoming collage!!

Happy weekend to all....may the heat lessen in the states and stay warm you who are in the winter time zones!

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