From where I'm sitting

By LoobyG

Down Memory Lane

We could've picked a better day for this particular indulgence of my childhood memories - after two solid weeks of sunshine, who'd have thought the day we'd chosen for an afternoon trip to an open air swimming pool would be overcast, cooler and a little breezy? Still, we went, and it was fun - if a slightly briefer visit than we'd initially envisaged.

This isn't a great photo, either, but I only took the one so it'll have to do (and my laptop's not cooperating, so I can't even crop it). But it gets the blue and white squares, that I remembered so clearly.

I have no idea how often I actually ever came here as a child - my grandparents used to live just down the road, and I'm sure I remember walking through the common and going for a splash in the pool with my family - but the details are hazy, and although it feels like quite a clear and distinct (and therefore probably repeated) memory, I really couldn't say whether it was just a one-off or something we did frequently. I'm glad to have been back, though, and to know that it's still up and running after all these years. The little Gs seemed to enjoy it too, through their chattering teeth - one to come back to when they're bigger, perhaps (and next time we'll choose our day more carefully!)

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