
By stujphoto

Lifeboat Festival

Initially I had intended to show you some photos of the dogs for my blip and took my telephoto lens with me when I took Zoe and Baxter out walking early this morning. The shots of the dogs were of them in hunting mode on the look out for rabbits. For those of you who wish to catch up with the dogs I have included these shots in my portfolio. Zoe & Baxter, Zoe and

I changed my mind because this afternoon Margaret and I attended the lifeboat festival which is held down at Dunbar Harbour and as this is a once a year event it seemed a shame not to record it photographically.

There were demonstrations by the lifeboat and air sea rescue which could be viewed from the outer harbour wall and in the harbour there were a whole range of things - a old herring fishing vessel from Anstruther, surf board fighting (trying to knock one another off with giant paddles ) and wakeboarding. For the uninitiated this is one of the fastest growing water sports in the uk and basic into involves being pulled along by a winch on a specialised surf board ( a bit like a ski board ) and doing jumps and and turns. We have the first wakeboarding centre in Scotland just down the road from where we live. In terms of action and interest it was the lifeboat demonstrations and the wakeboarding that caught my eye.

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