Trying to hide

During my walk with Brutus this afternoon at the park I spotted this cricket trying to hide inside a yellow rose. I couldn't take a photo of it then but fortunately it was still there when I went back to the rose garden after the walk. The cooling breeze that we had today made it rather difficult to focus on the cricket but eventually I managed to get a shot of it that I was quite pleased with.

On the way home I stopped at the artificial island and watched the Great Crested Grebe sitting on the nest for almost 45 minutes. There were moments that I was sure I could see some movement under the feathers on its back but it wasn't until I was about to leave that I could finally spot the head of a chick. The Grebe never stood up though so I have no idea how many of the eggs may have hatched already.

It was a little less hot today because it was overcast most of the day and there was also a very pleasant breeze. Unfortunately the temperatures are forecast to rise above 30°C the next couple of days. Thankfully I can stay indoors tomorrow but I won't be able to avoid going out in the heat on Monday as I have a full day's meeting again that day.

Thank you so much for the lovely comments and stars on yesterday's butterfly blip.

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