stuff & nonsense

By sleepyhead

Touching Base

Houston, Tranquillity Base here. The Eagle has landed.
~ Neil Armstrong

Today, 44 years ago, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first humans to land on the moon. A few short hours later, Armstrong stepped onto the surface and into the history books.

Today, when I walked up into town to pick up a few bits and pieces for the hols, the street performers were gathering to start their days work. This one was applying her own base. I took the camera along, just to see if it would still work! First time I'd picked it up for a couple of weeks. I wish I could say that I've made good use of my time away but I've mostly just been slouched in front of the telly.

Acclimation continues apace in our great weather. However when I logged into Facebook today and saw a snowscape at the Baroka lookout in the Grampians I wondered what the point was. C'mon Australia, get a grip! It's only 18 days before I arrive at the National Park. Another jumper has been tossed onto the packing pile just in case! ;-)

One last shopping trip tomorrow will see me done (need to pick up some snow shoes and ice picks) then all that's left is to make it onto the plane!

Hope everyone's well. Will try and do a bit of a catchup tomorrow.

11 sleeps

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