Think different

By thinkdifferent

Social spaces

Sunny days remind us that we are social creatures.

With the sun beating down, St Andrews Square in Edinburgh was enshrouded in a buzz of voices as people came together to enjoy the sun. I like social media but I also like to be reminded it's a pale second. I think that people have a deep rooted urge to be around other people. On certain levels are tastes and enjoyments in life are not so different and so while we could easily find solitary corners to relax in the sun we choose, instead, to pursue our leisure surrounded by others. Complete strangers. Yet in coming together the experience is heightened and made more enjoyable by the presence of others.

While the buzz fluttered all around, for a second the people parted leaving the briefest of opportunities to capture this image with my iPhone. On the right we see ourselves come into the world, playful and hopeful, love gives our lives focus, and then aging we begin to stare death in the eye, contemplating our exit stage right but looking back on a life lived.

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