A little gift

James went into Manchester with his friends to Comic-Con today. It's the first time he has been into the city without me. He bought me this - a mini Sheldon from Big Bang Theory.

He got back in one piece, having met Warwick Davies (from Idiot Abroad most recently) and some other people that are relevant to James' cultural likings!

I have spent the day tidying our bedroom as I have not bothered for the last two weeks, along with getting my stuff ready to pack, cleaning the bathroom, doing the shopping, spending 2 hours at the gym, cooking delicious tea and then doing a nearly 6 mile walk with the boys this evening.

12.5 miles in a day, nearly 25000 steps.

Tomorrow, much the same. Monday, I have managed to squeeze a small photography job into the afternoon schedule. Must be getting better :-)

Now, finish putting laundry away and then shower, bed and hopefully another decent night of sleep.

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