Information Retrieval

By Syetuttle

Do Not Adjust Your Set

Not Christmas time yet (my wife is counting the days though)! Tried to do something completely different to the usual Infrared themes of fields, trees, bushes, paths, gates etc. Although I love long exposure landscape (IR) they can get a bit "samey", so this is what I came up with.

Continuing with my "pride 'n' Joy" theme over the past two days, I thought I would include (part of) our hedge, which is trimmed with all my love 'n' care!

The four images were taken on the back of a black disposable BBQ tray, with the sun at full glare, a Hoya R72 filter added to my trusty Ozeck 135mm lens and the white balance set on the (green) holly leaf. Other than curve adjustments & de-saturation, very little adjustments where made to these images. The oringinals are here (so you can work out, roughly what I have done with regards to editing).

I nearly blipped this one as I liked the comical side of the shadow.

Bearing in mind, all these shots were taken at 30s exposure (f8) so any noticable blurring was caused, annoyingly, by the breeze, especially the "double leaf" bottom right as the holly leaf fell over half way through the exposure!

A sadder note: I dropped my Hoya R72 filter while trying to re-focus (frigging breeze moving the leaf etc) and yes, the glass chipped! DOH!
Images appear ok in latter images but will need to take more shots and see.

Plus side: I stripped my trailer to the bone today, getting rid of the rotten wood & rust. "Blacked" the steel frame. And burnt my back in the process even though it was cloudy all morning! My own fault as I never put any lotion on. Mind you that is the first time I've burnt myself like that during my "adult life" as I am always cautious about skin protection (my wife kept saying to me over the dinner table tonight: YOU, of ALL people!!!).

Today was capped off with an ace BBQ with A, P, D & us three.


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