
The Rower's middle son J came by this afternoon to take his Dad to the football, and seeing that the Crows are playing Geelong at AAMI stadium, it was a no-brainer as to whether the Rower would go or not.

It quite suited me as well, because I'm not one for freezing my non-existent balls off for a few hours watching the football (but I do have it playing on TV at the moment - we're losing).

I had lime marmalade to make (came out really nicely), rowing training to do, (not quite so nice, but finished). And I could practice a bit for Module 4 in the Camera School assignment for this month.

The assignment is for flowers, but as you can imagine there's not a lot of choice at this time of year. But there are a few around, and the camellias are coming on. The next challenge is to find sunshine, but even that happens on cue.

A bit of dodging the raindrops, but gee, I was pleased with this.

A closer look.

UPDATE: I should have more faith - we just won the football over one of the best teams in the competition, by just 2 points. The Rower will be so pleased he was able to go!

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